Tuesday, April 24, 2012

“Live Clean, My Future is Bright!” – Ailes’ story

That day was cloudless. A group of children had seen jogging along the path in the village Wiringgambut. Apparently, that day will be held CTPS education. What is CTPS? Apparently it stands for Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun/ Hand Washing With Soap.

One of the kids who appear to be serious in that education sessions are Ailes Wandik. Ailes is one of Eruwok ADP registered children (RC). If there are questions posed, Ailes had always raised his hand trying to answer correctly. "Absolutely" said Sonya WVI staff that provides education. Ailes aloud correctly answer five steps in Hand Washing With Soap (CTPS).

The Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2007 found 34% incidence of ARI and 16% incidence of diarrhea occurred in children aged 1-4 years. This suggests the need for continuous attention to the prevention of the spread of the disease, especially for children.

Hand Washing With Soap (CTPS) is scientifically proven effective in preventing diarrhea, respiratory infection that has been the cause of child mortality in Indonesia and the world. The importance of healthy behaviors Hand Washing With Soap (CTPS) to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as diarrhea, ARI and AI has been widely understood by the community, even though the practice is not widely applied in everyday life. CTPS behavior proved to be an effective means of preventive health efforts.

"The children in this region are frequently suffered from diarrhea" said Martinus Wenda. Martinus Wenda is a teacher who served in the village. "Hopefully after this education the children aware of the importance of washing hands with soap" he continued.

"I was often felt sick in my belly" Ailes said. "I did not know that wash my hands is important" he continued. "But now I already know and from now on I will be diligent wash my hands" said this child of Tarius and Erus. Ailes also promised us to convey this CTPS messages to his friends at school. Well done Ailes!

Story by Sonya Tadoe, Re-written by Willy Sitompul

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