About Eruwok Development

The smile of Eruwok Children
A united, empowered and self-reliant community in Eruwok working together towards sustaining economic development, health for all its members and quality education for children by 2016 is the reason for Eruwok ADP has been operating in this area since 1998 fiscal year until now. The ADP has been implementing its programs on ‘village’ level as focus area of its intervention. In total, the ADP ministry area covers 28 villages previously under administrative area of two districts of Jayawijaya regency, Papua province (since 2008 all ministry areas of Eruwok ADP already in new regency called Lanny Jaya). These villages, through implementation of Regional Autonomy, were redistributed into 6 administrative district areas, namely: Tiom, Malagaineri, Tiomneri, Pirime, Maki, and Balingga districts. Most of the 28 villages are located in two districts, i.e. Tiom and Pirime districts[1]. Since 2008, regional autonomy had brought Eruwok ministry area into new regency called Lanny Jaya regency. Though it was said in evaluation result conducted in 2008 that Eruwok covers 28 villages, actually more than 90 communities covered due to village expansion since its became Lanny Jaya regency.

In education to “Improved quality of basic education in ADP coverage areas” some progress are evident: During this project lifetime Eruwok ADP also still cooperated with assisting teachers of Surya Institute in developing teachers’ skill in teaching mathematics using GASING method, as a result 29 teachers now implemented GASING method in their schools (Until FY 11).

In health projects, Eruwok ADP put constraints on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Nutrition and HIV and AIDS projects since those programs still need by the community that found during AOP FY11 preparation in June 2010. Nutrition still the main problem in Eruwok ADP ministry area as evaluation result stated: “Surveys on 900 samples households show that nutrition status of most 6-59 months old children is good. Additionally, the percentage of insufficient nutrition status based on the percentage of median weight-to-height is about 20.3%, while the percentage of severe malnutrition status is approximately 9.0%, which is higher than tolerated threshold (5%). This implies that nutrition status in ministry area of Eruwok ADP is still a community health problem”. In this FY11, Eruwok ADP carried out several PD/ NERS in Posyandus and provides support for local cadres in revitalizing Posyandus in expanded areas such as Tiom and Makki districts. Several activities in this FY also involved District Health Office of Lanny Jaya that they provided technical skill for nutrition training and allocated budget for cadres’ equipments and supplies.

In Community WASH project, Eruwok ADP facilitated hygiene promotion to community using CLTS approach. This activity initiated community to change their behavior of open defecation that often caused diarrhea to open defecation free (ODF). This new habit expected to bring contribution in child well being.

In HIV and AIDS project, Eruwok ADP continued disseminating information on AIDS through SEDIA and HIV & AIDS project. In this project lifetime, Eruwok ADP had conducted Channel of Hope workshops for Moslem leaders in cooperation with HOPE Project. Some illuminations to schools also conducted with stakeholders as informant. In commemorating AIDS Candlelight Memorial (May), Eruwok ADP had cooperated with Jayawijaya KPAD to run Malam Renungan every year. This activity involved Baliem Peace youth group as organizator. Through this event Eruwok ADP able to spread HIV prevention information to about 500 youth of Wamena city yearly.

In Child Sponsorship Management Project, Eruwok ADP also put several activities for RCs studied in Wamena. Eruwok ADP had continued computer course for registered children living in Wamena and now begin to a new step of involving them to be peer educators for HIV prevention. Eruwok ADP also begin to run children radio in Tiom. This radio (Swara Anak Lanny) expected to carry out children needs to expand their abilities and skills to be child announcers. Other activities were formed in workshops of importance of education and other workshops such as radio workshops for refreshing child announcers.

[1] Eruwok ADP Evaluation Report, 2008

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