Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tarinus' Story - Birth Certificate

That day seems different with Tarinus. He looks so happy receiving visit from our office staff. “Hey sister, how are you?” said Tarinus to us when we get closer to his house in Nambume village. Though a little bit exhausted after 20 minutes climb through steep road, we smile at him and took the nearest spot to sit. Then after few minutes we explain our purpose to visit him. A month ago our field staff visited Tarinus during quarterly monitoring process and one of the need came from Tarinus family was the need for birth certificate. This need came up after routine socialization towards sponsorship socializations runs in every village in Eruwok ministry area.
“Hi Tarinus...” said one of our office staff, “We bring your birth certificate and going to give it to you” Tarinus was very happy to hear the news, and eagerly wait for us to open the envelope contain his birth certificate. He smiled when reading his name stated in birth certificate.
“For long time we don’t know the importance of birth certificate, but now we knew...” said his mother Taiba. Tarinus is the second child of Manongga Wenda’s family. His older sister already has her own family, while his youngest brother still study as third grader in elementary school.

The socialization about the importance of birth certificate was already done since the past fiscal year. This fiscal year the activity followed by proclamation of ownership of birth certificate by head of Jayawijaya region. The proclamation then followed by ease of birth certificate developing process and improvement in region demography office. The proclamation itself was run in July 2009. Wempie Wetipo, head of Jayawijaya region announced that in 2011 all children in Jayawijaya should have birth certificate. Since Jayawijaya is the main region, the policy of birth certificate then followed by expanded region including Lanny Jaya region.

Taiba Wanimbo, Tarinus’ mother had a unique way in socializing birth certificate to other mothers. She often talks about birth certificate during washing clothes and sweet potatoes in the river with other mothers. She was happy that Eruwok ADP facilitated the process of birth certificate for her second child. She promised to do the process by herself for her third child. “I knew now that the process is easy...” said Taiba. “At first, we though the process will be complicated and the cost was expensive, but now after seeing by myself this birth certificate I will try to do it by myself.”
Both Taiba and her husband Manongga work as a farmer. They promised to allocate some money for the next birth certificate for Tarian, their youngest children.
After some time, we then say good bye to the family and back to our field office. We were very happy met with Tarinus and his family.

Willy Sitompul for Eruwok Development

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