Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Maria's Story - Voice of Baliem Children

“Good evening Wamena, meet with me again Maria in our regular program folk stories” said Maria through a microphone standing in front of her. Maria is an announcer of VBC community radio founded by WV in Wamena. Though she was born in Sorong in 1992, Maria Asso is one of indigenous people of Wamena. Her father Mikakogo Asso is a government officer that sometimes has to move from place to place based on letter of assignment from the government while her mother Yosinia Fatubun is a private worker. She has one sibling which is her brother that still study in Jayapura.

We met with Maria in VBC radio station located in Mandiri Dormitory Wamena. This dormitory own by WV and practically use for many activities such as computer course and community radio. VBC itself was founded in early February 2009 and stands for Voice of Baliem Children. The aim of this community radio station is to improve local youth capacities in disseminating child rights.

“I am very happy to join VBC” Maria said. “It is very interesting to communicate with audiences without facing directly, we have to guess their expression and we only recognized by our voice” she continued. Before joining VBC, Maria is a regular student of one of senior high school in Wamena. She is in third grade now and planned to do something big for her future. After joining serial of training run by WV, Maria became confident and courageous of becoming radio announcer after school time.

“I like to try new thing although for becoming announcer though at first I was nervous” said Maria. “But I’m very happy now that I can see that all announcers are local youth”. Maria is happy to see that all of child announcers are indigenous from Wamena. She said this is a proof that indigenous people also able to be announcer and do a lot more like every child able to do in other part of Indonesia or even the world.

Her favorite program is folk stories. By telling folk or local stories she believed that many children will understand about culture and prevent their culture of being extinct. Most of local stories gathered from mouth to mouth telling and sometime Maria had to rewrite the story as not many local stories are written in a book. During her vacant time Maria also love to sing. As her confident built in VBC, she then joined “radio star” singing competition and win as a third champion. “I was very happy at that time, again it was an evidence that native also able to sing well as I defeated almost 30 other participants” she smiled. “I want that someday more and more local youth involve in cultural activities” she continued.

It was a happy day met with Maria a girl full of spirit and fun. We hope that someday she will able to achieve her idol of doing something big for her future. May God bless you always Maria…
Posted by Willy Sitompul for Eruwok Development

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