Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Channel of Hope Workshop for Moslem Context – Hajee Abdul Latief Yaleget’s Story

It was rainy that day when Abdul Latief fastens his steps to Pilamo meeting room. He had received a special invitation to be participants of Channel of Hope workshop run by World Vision that day. This workshop will run for three days as participants selected from Moslem leaders of all areas in Wamena city. While Christian is a major religion in Jayawijaya district still several village occupied by Moslems. These Moslem communities in Wamena are very unique as most of them are indigenous. Abdul Latif is one of them. His family name is Yaleget. A common family name found in the village of Walesi. Abdul Latief has 2 wives as in Moslem is not prohibited to have more than one wife. He married with Wiwit Asso and several years later with Yuli Lanny. He has 4 children from both of his wives.

As a hajee (one who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca), Abdul Latief often preach in government religious activities while daily he has to take control on day to day religious activities in Al-Falah Mosque in Walesi village. “I never know about HIV and AIDS before!” said Latief. “This workshop had given me a wider approach on overcoming HIV and AIDS in my village” he continued. Attending Channel of Hope workshop is the first activity on HIV and AIDS he had been involved with. Before, neither specific health socializations nor illuminations he had received. He always thought that HIV and AIDS are far away from his village.

“I’m very glad to be participant in this workshop, World Vision had brought me into new ideas and roles to be taken as I’m a religious leader” said Latief. He also said that no organization involving Moslem leaders before. He said that maybe since Moslem is minority no organization involving them in HIV prevention activities. “Before, I thought HIV will never come to my family or my village. But day by day there was always some one get sick without knowing what the disease is. Now I realized what the disease is and what the cause is. I have to spread this information I’ve receive from World Vision to my people in the village, forming a community that care about prevention of HIV and AIDS” he continued.

The “Channels of Hope” programme aims to mobilize faith communities through process-driven workshops and the commitment and dedication of trained facilitators. It was first developed by CABSA (Christian AIDS Bureau for Southern Africa at the Huguenot College) and in 2004 adopted by World Vision Hope Initiative as a core HIV & AIDS model.

Pak[1] Latief is very concern about all materials given in this workshop” said Ustad [2]Daden one of the facilitators came from Sukabumi (Java). “He is very active and willing to learn a lot of new things during the workshop. I believe he will be a good speaker promoting HIV and AIDS prevention in his mosque and community” Daden continued.

When we asked about the nearest plan that Pak Latief will take after the workshop, he said “I will spread the information especially for children and teenagers as I’m aware they should know first about this information before they involved in danger situation that could brought them to HIV transmission”. We smiled that day. Though it was raining outside there will always a sun shining after the rain. Good luck Pak Latief!

[1] Common greetings title to respect older person (male) in Indonesia

[2] Common term of title used in Moslem for male person with broader or special knowledge of Islam.

Workshop Saluran Harapan Konteks Muslim – Cerita Hairudin

Bapak yang bernama Hairudin Wania ini mempunyai 1 istri yang bernama ibu Salwiya Rumaratu yang di karuniai 4 anak yaitu 3 laki – laki yang bernama Abu baker ( SMA ), Sulaiman ( SMP ), dan Alhadi yang masih kecil, sedangkan yang perempuan bernama Ferlian yang masih duduk di bangku SD.

Ibu Salwiya istri bapak Hairudin ini berprofesi sebagai guru yang mengajar di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah kelas 4- 6 SD. Pak Hairudin selain berjemaah di Masjid Al-Aqso Walesi ini ternyata juga merupakan aktifis dari beberapa organisasi lain diantaranya yaitu Ketua Senat Mahasiswa STIA YAPIS, Ketua HMI Jayawijaya, BKPRMI ( Badan Koordinasi Pemuda Remaja Muslim Indonesia ), dan Sekretaris 1 KNPI. “Setiap ada kegiatan tentang HIV & AIDS biasanya menghubungi saya untuk memfasilitasi peserta”, demikian kata pak Hairudin kepada kami.

Dia mengaku pernah mengikuti kegiatan seperti ini 2 kali yang pertama di Aula Infokom dan yang ke dua dan ke tiga di Ruang Pertemuan Hotel Baliem Pilamo ini. “Wah saya senang sekali mengikuti kegiatan ini, karena sangat bermanfaat dan bisa membagikan ilmu ke generasi muda masyarakat dan kalangan umum”, begitu ungkapan perasaan bapak 4 anak ini setelah mengikuti kegiatan ini.

Program workshop Saluran Harapan pertama kali dibangun oleh CABSA (Lembaga Nirlaba di Afrika Selatan) yang kemudian diadaptasi oleh World Vision dan dijadikan model program inti HIV & AIDS World Vision di seluruh dunia.

Pak Hairudin juga mengatakan bahwa “Istri saya yang selalu mengingatkan jika ada kegiatan yang cukup tinggi dan sampai menginap kesana kemari, yang penting bisa jaga diri “. Bapak ini juga menyarankan anak-anak untuk berhati-hati jika bergaul apalagi sekarang sudah ada narkoba dan seks bebas. Hal ini dikatakannya mengingat anaknya sudah ada yang berumur pemuda dan remaja.

Dituliskan oleh Willy Nugroho untuk Eruwok Development

Posted by Willy Sitompul