Friday, June 10, 2011

Education Workshop Celebrating National Education Day – Kristiana’s Story

“This is my first time speaking in front of such stakeholders” said Kristiana when we asked her feeling and opinion after she attended a workshop celebrating National Education Day that celebrated on May 30, 2011 at Sasana Wio (a meeting room at Jayawijaya District Head Office). “At first I was bashful, not now what I’m going to say or ask in front of such audience” she continued.

As the youngest child in her family, Kristiana age is so distant to her siblings. She has one brother that already in college and two brothers are high school students. Kristiana herself is still in the sixth grade of elementary school. She studies at Tobanapme elementary school in Makki sub district. Even in the family Kristiana rarely speak up for herself. “In my family, we seldom spent time to speak to each other in form of discussion or speak about a topic” said Kristiana when we asked her if there was chance to discuss something (like speaking up problems and how to counter it) in her family. “WV staff helped me to learn of being confidence and told me that as children I have several rights that adolescence needs to listen and fulfill those basic rights” she continued.

Her father is Eli Kogoya who works as health officer in Makki Health Center. Her father actively involved in one of WV activities which is nutrition post (Pos Gizi) and integrated health post (Posyandu). Her mother is Merlina Wenda who works as midwife at the same health center with Kristiana’s father. Kristiana come from a village called Kemiri. This village gets support from WV in its nutrition project with positive deviance approach. During the education workshop to celebrate National Education Day, Kemiri village sent 4 sponsored children to participate in the celebration. The children were asked to speak up questions regarding education and learning process situation that happened in their village through the opinion of the child. The opinions poured in form of a letter that read in the celebration. Key note speakers that came from Education Department (Jakarta), Provincial Education Office of Jayapura, and district education office of Jayawijaya and Lanny Jaya were expected to comments on those children opinions.

“I want my teachers spent all day within a month in my school, I don’t want my teachers often go to Wamena just to get their wages” read Kristiana. “Sometimes, they spent half month just to wait for their wages that we did not received enough lesson in school. Local government has to pay serious attention on this problem” she read again. Though Kristiana read the letter hesitantly, all participants pay fully attention on her.

“We will try to do our best. In teachers’ placement, we have to coordinate this matter with civil employee affairs department” said Purnomo, the secretary of Lanny Jaya education office in responding to Kristina’s letter. “As for delivery teacher wages, we will coordinate to our financial office that teachers should accept their rights in time, so there will be no reasons they not teaching just to wait for wages” Purnomo continued. Purnomo also said as a new district, Lanny Jaya still need to learn form established district about so many systems including developing teachers’ quality. As new district several facilities for teachers still in developing process, this situation made some teachers not comfortable to be in his or her placement schools. In the future the government of Lanny Jaya will still focused on developing facilities for schools as this is the basic needs for teachers to be in his or her location.

“I’m glad to hear children have courage to speak up about education situation in their village” said James Modow – head of provincial education office. “Local government should pay attention seriously on these children opinion. If it is necessary to hold a discussion with them to improve education system in the future” he continued.

Kristiana’s face was gleamed hearing the response to her letter. Although at first she was embarrassed and not confidence, at least a promise was made, a promise to improve education situation in her village that will be better than before, a hope that she will share with her colleagues in school or maybe to other children in another school.

Good luck Kristiana!

Posted by Willy Sitompul for Eruwok Development

Di Jayawijaya 300 Orang Meninggal Karena HIV-AIDS

Kutipan Berita Cenderawasih Pos
Senin, 30 Mei 2011 , 07:14:00

WAMENA-Sebagai salah satu bentuk keprihatinan terhadap penyebaran HIV-AIDS, Youth Forum Baliem Peace Jayawijaya didukung Pemda Jayawijaya, KPA Jayawijaya, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) dan Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) yang bergerak dalam HIV-AIDS menggelar kegiatan Candlelight memorial 2011 di halaman kantor Bupati Jayawijaya, Sabtu (28/) malam.

Kegiatan tersebut diisi berbagai acara seperti drama pertunjukan oleh generasi muda dari Youth Baliem Peace Jayawijaya dan pembacaan firman Tuhan. Meski diwarnai hujan rintik, namun kegiatan tersebut mendapat sambutan hangat dari masyarakat terutama generasi muda, ini terlihat dari antusias yang memadati jalan raya depan kantor bupati Jayawijaya tersebut.

Kepala Sekretariat Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS (KPA) Jayawijaya Daulat M mengatakan, pihaknya menyambut baik dan mendukung penuh kegiatan yang digelar oleh Youth Forum Baliem Peace Jayawijaya, pasalnya melalui kegiatan tersebut diharapkan bisa menjadi media informasi kepada generasi muda terhadap bahaya dan dampak dari HIV-AIDS.

“Sampai triwulan pertama 2011 (akhir Maret red.) jumlah yang terinfeksi HIV-AIDS yang tercatat yaitu 1218 orang, dari jumlah tersebut 40 persen diantaranya atau sekitar 300 orang lebih meninggal dunia karena HIV-AIDS,”jelas Daulat kepada wartawan disela kegiatan.

Dikatakan, dari 1218 sebagian besar yang terinveksi adalah usia produktif yaitu antara 15 tahun sampai 39 tahun. “Kami berharap melalui kegiatan seperti ini dapat menggugah kesadaran seluruh lapisan masyarakat terutama generasi muda terhadap penyakit HIV-AIDS, sehingga ke depan Jayawijaya bisa terbebas dari HIV-AIDS,”pungkasnya.

Sementara itu pimpinan Youth Forum Baliem Peace Jayawijaya Nies Tabuni mengungkapkan, pihaknya menggelar kegiatan tersebut untuk memberi contoh kepada generasi muda agar berbuat baik dan kembali ke jalan yang benar. “Kami sangat prihatian dengan apa yang dialami oleh generasi muda saat ini, untuk itu malam ini kami memperlihatkan drama dan kesaksian Orang Dengan HIV-AIDS (ODHA), dengan harapan agar anak-anak muda bisa kembali ke jalan yang benar,”tandasnya. (lmn/tho)

Foto:Muslimin/Cenderawasih Pos
Nampak anak dari Youth Forum Baliem Peace Jayawijaya menampilkan drama teatrikal dalam kegiatan Candlelight memorial 2011 di halaman kantor Bupati Jayawijaya, Sabtu (28/5) malam.

Re-posted by Willy Sitompul