Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yerias now able to walk again!

“Now I’m able to see happiness in my son face again.” Said Terli Wenda (Female, 30 years old), mother of Yerias Wanimbo (Male, 2 years and 5 months old). “I can see progress within my son that finally he is able to walk again.” Terli continued.

This was the expression of Terli Wenda when she told the story of her son Yerias. Yerias is the second son of Oban Wanimbo’s children. Yerias’ father Oban Wanimbo (35 years old) working as farmer to fulfils daily family needs. When Yerias age two years old he was still not able to walk. Yerias development on growth seems a little bit late compared to children as his age. In their village when children already 2 years old then they are able to walk even to run when playing with their peers. “I was once feeling ashamed when I have to face another mothers in my village” said Terli. “I couldn’t answer anything when they asked me how and why”. Terli then brought Yerias to NERS post that available in Nambume village in cooperation of community with World Vision Indonesia. NERS post is a program carried out by Nutrition project of Eruwok ADP. This project is a continuation of SEHAT project that already closed in the last fiscal year. SEHAT project was nutrition project aimed to increase nutrition status of children under 5 years old. This project was using Positive Deviance (PD) method. The project then funded using sponsorship budget and expanded to other areas that not covered in previous SEHAT project. In the NERS post mothers were equipped with knowledge about food diversification.

They were practiced and applied the knowledge to their home so they able to provide nutritious food for their children. At first, it was difficult to train mothers in food diversification since them only able to cook in a simple way using hot stones (bakar batu) but after 2 years implementation of SEHAT project some mothers adopted training materials in their daily life.
Yerias’ brother Peles Wanimbo is a registered child of Eruwok ADP. He is 8 years old now and often playing with his little brother Yerias.

“I keep feeding my son with different kind of nutritious food every day and I can see the progress that month by month the weight of my son is increasing” said Terli, “Yerias also begin to like eating fruits and vegetables compare to before joining this post”.
One day, Terli was astonished seeing view of her son walking. “I was very surprised at that day” she said. “Although he still can not run and walk wobbly I believe that someday my son will be able to run like another children in my village” Terli continued. We saw Terli’s smile and that smile brought hope to us that this program need to be continued and replicated to other areas as so many children like Yerias might present in other remote areas.

In the future, several special funding needed to extend this nutrition program into other Eruwok ADP ministry areas.

Posted by Willy Sitompul for Eruwok Development