Friday, July 17, 2009

Making AOP of FY 2010

Pics were taken in Nambume, May 2009

In May 2009, all of Eruwok ADP staff were involved in making Annual Operating Plan for fiscal year of 2010. The discussions with community were taking places in 4 areas which are: Nambume, Yalipok, Niknek, and Milinggame.

During the discussions some activities were created based on problem trees that already developed before, again, with the same community member. The identification of problems already carried out in April to May 2009. About six major issues identified to be problems that should be addressed by ADP working together with community. Those problem trees were Education and Child Rights, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), Nutrition, HIV and AIDS, and Economic. In order to addressed those problem trees, community try to change what were stated as problem into community expectation regarding those issues. Thus, after the expectations made, they will create activities to manage their expectations working together with Eruwok ADP.

Those activities then recapitulated into worksheet that became document of AOP of FY 2010. Not all expectations will be answered in AOP but community had to learn to solve the problems not only with ADP but also together with other stakeholders such as local government or other NGOs.

Posted by Wills for Eruwok Development