Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Apia's Story

“I want to be a nurse” said Apia when WV staff asked her about her ideal. “Someday I will be a good nurse, I want to take care my family when they get sick” Apia smile. From her face that day we can see that she has hope for the future. Apia is one of WV registered children living in Tiom. She studied in Guwopaka Elementary School and now in 5th grade. She is one of WV sponsored children involved in ALM program run by World Vision in her school. ALM means Active Learning Method is a method introduced by World Vision to be used in teaching and learning progress. WV cooperated with Surya Institute – a well known organization involved in education and preparation of children to participate in International Education Olympic such as Mathematics Olympic and Physics Olympic – to use this method in teaching Mathematics in a fun way. The method in Bahasa is Gasing means easy, fun, and enjoyable.

It has been a long time that Mathematics becomes a spooky subject, most of all students not interested in learning Math. By using the method, we able to see some changes especially in school were we placed assisting teacher from Surya Institute. Some students eagerly attending every session from their new teacher, Apia is one of them. Though Apia had to walk 25 minutes from her home, it’s nothing compare to every fun she has in class. A daughter of Mr. Yupiter and mother Artnis, Apia is the fourth daughter in her family. Her father works as a farmer and member of SHG founded by World Vision.

“I’m very happy to learn with my new teacher, I never though that I will like Math as it is my favorite subject” said Apia. “The method is fun that I can understand to calculate numbers even a big one” she smile again.

“Though Apia is a little bit slow in catching every lesson, she has a full interest in every session and diligent also. If she carries on learning, I believe she can manage and reach her ideal” said Maya Tamba, an assisting teacher from Surya Institute that placed in Guwopaka Elementary School.

“We hope World Vision still continue this program” said Mr. Dorkas one of the teacher in Apia’s school. “No students like Math before, but now we can see some progress. Student like Apia still need support, and so is other student especially in Tiom because Tiom is a remote area” he continued.

Posted by Willy Sitompul for Eruwok Development

Samince's Story

”Come on Samince, let’s try again” said Herlina, an assisting teacher from Surya Institute to Samince, her fourth grade student. Surya Institute is a well known organization in Indonesia. They work in education field to prepare Indonesian students to participate in International Science Olympic. Herlina is one of the teachers placed in Tiom in cooperation with World Vision to assist local teacher how to teach Mathematics in an easy, fun, and enjoyable method. Samince herself is one of World Vision registered children in Tiom. Samince is a first daughter of Darmus and Lerite. Darmus works as a part time worker in Tiom Health Center.

World Vision already implemented cooperation program with Surya Institute from January 2009. It is expected that the program will benefited for 50 teachers in 4 districts around Wamena of Papua Province. This cooperation intended to equip teachers with Gasing method in teaching Mathematics and Physics. Gasing means Gampang, Asyik, dan Menyenangkan in Bahasa or Easy, Fun, and Enjoyable. Though teachers are the main target of the program, assisting teachers from Surya Institute often involved in teaching classes as they were given trust to handle classes by the headmasters.

Samince think a while, looking at numbers written in the blackboard then step by step fill in the blanks according to teacher’s instruction. After about 2 minutes all task already done by her. “Great job!” said Herlina inspiring Samince.

“I’m happy to learn Mathematics in this way. I like it very much. I never expected that I will love Mathematics” said Samince when WV staff asked her about her feeling during the program. “I want to be a doctor someday” Samince continued when WV staff asked about her ideal. Everybody was smiling at her showing agreement that someday she might able to achieve her ideal.

“Samince is very diligent, she never quits. She always attends classes although as a first daughter she also has to take care one of her baby sister” said Matias one of teachers in Tiom Public Elementary School where Samince is registered.

“Though Samince can not catch all subjects easily, she is very diligent and keep trying and trying. That made me sure that someday she will be good at Mathematics” Herlina – SI teacher – continued.

“During the past, almost all students don’t like Mathematics. It seems difficult, even only to hear Mathematics already frightened for them” said Matias. “We often work together with World Vision and this program is very good. We hope the program will continue as it already shown progress among students in Tiom especially Tiom Public Elementary School” he continued.

Posted by Willy Sitompul for Eruwok Development